
I read these verses this morning and I just thought, this is perfect for us. Jesus is looking at each of us, who might think that somehow WE will be the one to get them into a rehab or off the streets or that somehow by our power we are going to be the one who saves them.

But when we have stepped out of the way, I have seen God do things beyond what we could have ever imagine.

If you think you can pull this off in your own strength or by your actions, he's saying “nope, not going to happen.”

However, we have every chance in the world if we trust God to do it.

That is surrender...

June 1, 2024 Our Prayer for Our Loved One today:

Matthew 19:26 MSG [26] Jesus looked hard at them and said, "No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it."

Abba daddy.....oh Lord, I come to you today because I know that I am getting in your way Lord. I admits that I want to be the one to save but I know that job belongs to you and you alone. Lord, I realize that while I can be a tool for you to use, I do not have the power to transform (my loved one). But you do Lord. Lord today help me to trust you with (my loved one's) life. I surrender (him/her) at the foot of the cross. (He/she) belongs to you Lord. Lord, I ask for the strength to walk through today in cooperation with you. Lord, I DO trust you Lord. And I thank you for the work you are doing in my life. I pray this prayer in your Son's Holy Name. Amen

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