You Are Set Apart

Each morning I take time and space to sit on my chair with my cup of coffee and reflect on my life. It’s also a time when I choose to practice gratitude. I believe the enemy wants to distract us from finding joy and love and peace.

In the middle of difficult times, it’s easy to lose sight of the gifts we have been giving.

It's raining out? Thank God you have a roof over your head.

Your car has broken down? Thank God that you have 2 feet and can walk somewhere.

And no matter what’s going on with you or your loved one, by the sheer nature of the fact that God created you, you are loved and you, my friend are HIGHLY valued. And so is your loved one.

And He is on your side. He wants only good for you and your family.

Today I am choosing to see my loved one as God sees Him.

Thanking God that He loves perfectly. And learning to love like Him.

May 31, 2-24 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Jeremiah 1:5 NIV
[5] “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you...

Lord, thank you. Thank you that You are the God of the universe and the God of the smallest organism and the God of (my loved one). Lord I thank you that you created (our loved one) perfectly and wonderfully. I thank you that before (he/she) was even conceived You KNEW (him/her). Lord thank you that (our loved one) is set apart. You have a plan. You have a purpose for (his/her) life. You have appointed (our loved one) to do specific things for your kingdom. Lord, I pray that (our loved one) would, through something or someone, see you today. That (he/she) would experience Your love. And that today would be the day (he/she ) would begin to understand how much You love (him/her). We pray this in Your son's precious name. Amen!

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