The spirit of condemnation. The tool he uses to keep us sick.
“I am bad.” “I am an addict.” “I am the sum of my failures.” “I will never get better”
The momentary numbing of the emotional pain always brings us
back to bondage.
Today we pray against the spirit of condemnation and the spirit of failure.
But this is why He came. To bear that shame on the cross.
No guilt, no shame.
A full pardon
March 7, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:
Romans 8:1-2 NIV[1] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, [2] because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
Father we come before you today with the authority of the suffering Jesus Christ paid on the cross. We thank you that because of his death we don’t have to live in lies and deception, that we can walk in truth. We pray against any spirit of condemnation or failure that has taken hold of [our loved one]. We believe that through Christ Jesus, your Spirit, who gives life to [our loved one], will set [him/her] free from sin and death. We believe that through you, true freedom will come to [our loved one]. We pray that all of [our loved one’s] chains will be broken today. We pray this with confidence in your son's Holy and precious name. Amen
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