Light and Life

Not long ago during one of our ministries church services, I met a young man named Dragan. He was just 23. I asked him if I could pray with him and he said "Not yet." So we engaged in conversation. I asked him why he didn't want me to pray with him.

I wanted to know his story.

He said he had been kicked out by his parents at 14 or 15 and hadn't seen them since. They are gypsy's and he has no idea where they are. He was living on the streets, living hard with addictions, felonies. Said he had been sober a couple of years now. 7 years ago he walked away from the Lord and had been wearing black ever since. The black signified death and darkness, the pagan god that he followed. He knew about God but thought he was too bad for Him. He felt like he had done far too much wrong for God to love him or to take him back.

I talked to him for over a half hour. I told him that God loved him and that nothing, NOTHING that he had ever done was too much for God to forgive. I told him that even though his parents had abandoned him, God never ever would. Tears streamed down his face.

At the end of our conversation I asked again if I could pray with him. He said yes, please. After we prayed his entire countenance changed. Tears where streaming from his eyes and to me, it seemed his face was shining. I asked him if he was ready to go from wearing his dark clothes (the clothes of death) to wearing white clothes (the clothes of light). He said yes.

The next day, I went out and bought Dragon a light colored jacket. But I never saw Dragon again. And while I would love to see him, I trust the encounter I had with him that day was a divine appointment and that in some way, God changed him. God certainly changed me.

You see my friends, you never know what God will do, who He will bring into your loved one's life to love on them, to minister to them, to pray with them, to help them move from bondage to freedom. But our prayers get the soil ready. It's why we have to keep praying. It's why we can't lose hope.

September 27, 2024 Our prayer for our loved one today.

Romans 13:12-14 NLT
[12] The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living. [13] Because we belong to the day…[14] ….clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Oh Father, we come before You today with anticipation and excitement over the work that You are doing in (our loved one’s) life! We believe that the night, the dark times are nearly over for (our loved one) and that the day (he/she) says “Yes Lord!” is almost here! We believe with confidence that very soon and in Your perfect timing (our loved one) will put aside (his/her) deeds of darkness, all that is holding (him/her) back in life, and put on the armor of right living! Lord, we pray that (our loved one) would understand that (he/she) belongs to YOU, to the light, to the day and we eagerly anticipate the day when (he/she) comes before your presence to live for you! We CONFIDENTLY claim these promises today in Jesus Powerful name! Amen!

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