I Will Always Have Hope

Someone asked me recently what I perceived my most important mission to be? My answer was that one of the most important things that has gotten me through the darkest times in my life, is camping on the word HOPE.

As I was thinking about this, I thought how so many of us get to the place where we have at times, struggled with finding hope. I know many of you today would say you are losing hope.

And I think about those out there who are caught up in a lifestyle of oppression and darkness. Living in a way no one could have even possibly imagined years ago, least of all themselves.

And I wonder....is there hope anywhere in their thinking? Is there a spark?
So today, my prayer is that God himself, or someone he sends would whisper hope into our loved ones lives. Lord, breath hope into the lives today of those that have no hope.

June 4, 2024 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Psalm 71:14 NIV [14] As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.

Abba daddy, we come before you today with longing. Longing for more of your love. Longing for more of your power. Longing for more of your peace. And longing for more of the hope that only you can give. Lord, we ask today that you would fill us. Fill us to overflowing with hope. The hope that comes from knowing that you are a good daddy and that your promises are true. And Lord, today we pray that You would come to (our loved one) and whisper hope in (his/her) ear as well. Fill (him/her) with the power that comes from having even a tiny bit of hope. Lord, we praise You today because we trust You and we know Your promises will be fulfilled. Lord, we look forward to the day when (our loved one) will praise you as well! Our trust and confidence is in You. We ask these things in Your Son’s precious name. Amen!

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