He Will Deliver

The call that your loved one is in jail…

The call that your loved one has OD’d…

The call that your loved one is back out there…

The call that there will be a funeral next week…

You may have gotten that call yesterday, or the day before.

Or you may get it today.

And you feel abandoned…

Do not doubt for one second that God sees you. He knows exactly what you are going through today.

And He is saying to you right now, “Call on me. Come to me. Just say the word.

And I will deliver you from fear, from anxiety, from hopelessness.”

And God is whispering to your loved one today “Come home.”

May 18, 2024 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Psalm 50:15 NKJV [15] Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."

Lord, we come before you today determined to remain faithful in prayer. We are grateful that you are a God of grace and a God of mercy. And as we are faithful to pray, we believe that you are faithful to answer us as we cry out to you. Lord, we call upon you today in our day of trouble and on behalf of [our loved one] who is struggling. We pray that [our loved one] will call on you today and that You would hear [his/her] cry and You would deliver [our loved one]. We believe that when that day comes, when you deliver [our loved one] that [he/she] WILL glorify you! We pray that this vision will come to pass quickly Lord, but we trust and believe it will happen in Your perfect timing. Lord, we are thankful that we can trust in Your sovereign plan for our lives. We pray this prayer in Your Son's precious name! Amen!

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