He Fights For You

I know....

You are feeling lost, alone and forgotten by God today.

You are wondering where he is...

You feel hopeless...

But He has a word for you, for me, for our loved ones...

A promise....

Not one...

Not one of his children...

Is forgotten...

And he is fighting for you right now...

That is hope.

April 29, 2024. Our prayer for our loved one today:

Isaiah 49:15-16,25-26 GNT. [15] So the LORD answers, "I will never forget you. [16] Jerusalem, I can never forget you! I have written your name on the palms of my hands. [25] The LORD replies, "I will fight against whoever fights you, and I will rescue your children. [26] Then all people will know that I am the LORD, the one who saves you and sets you free. They will know that I am Israel's powerful God."

Father God, we come before you today with heavy hearts, feeling lost, feeling alone, feeling like the forgotten ones because we love the forgotten ones. Lord, we look to you for love and comfort. Lord, thank you that your promises bring us hope. Lord, thank you that you will never forget (our loved one). Lord, you created (our loved one) and you have written (his/her) name on the palm of your hand! How wonderful and precious that is! Lord, thank you that you are waging a battle for (our loved one) right now and that you will fight against whoever fights (him/her). Lord, we believe in your power to defeat the enemies that oppress (our loved one) today! Lord, you ARE the God who has the power to save (our loved one) and to set (him/her) free. We are believing you today for that powerful VICTORY!!! In your son's precious name we pray! Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

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