Love Never Fails

Today, on this day of love, may you grasp how much HE loves you.

He loves you fully. He loves you in the heaviness, the fear, the doubt and the resignation.

And as he loves us, so we are called to love fully in the messiness of it all. We can only love others out of the overflow of the love He has for us.

May His love spur you on to love your person well today.

Because love never fails.

February 14, 2024 Our prayer for Our Loved One today:

1 Corinthians 13:7 ESV [7] Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Merciful Father, we come to you today knowing….knowing how much you love us. Knowing how much you believe in us. Knowing how much you desire that each one of us step into the fullness you have for us in this life. Lord we ask that you would give is the strength to bear up under the load we are carrying, the imagination to believe the goodness of heaven on Earth today, the power of hope in the restoration of our family and the perseverance to endure any struggle that comes our way today. We pray for [our loved one] today. [He/she] is carrying a boulder that is far too heavy for [him/her]. Give [him/her] the strength to bear up under the weight of all that [he/she] is carrying today. Lord, we ask that you will fill [our loved one’s] mind with the dreams and visions for [his/her] future that you have given [him/her] so [he/she] can begin to walk in that truth. We pray that you would fill [our loved one’s] heart to overflowing with the hope that only begins to well up as a result of your love. And we ask that you would fill [our loved one’s] spirit with the determination to endure through the struggles, knowing that just beyond this mountain [he/she] is climbing are your streams of living water. Lord, we know that love never fails. Lord, we receive this gift from you today and pray these things in your holy name. Amen.

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

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