The Lord is Our Hope

One of the things I love about our home is the trees in our yard. We have two different kinds of very mature trees. One is an ash tree, which has a massive root system and those roots go down deep into the soul and tend to spread out very wide. The other tree that we have is the pine tree. Pine trees don’t have very deep roots, therefore they are more susceptible to being uprooted by the elements. Not long ago we had a tremendous storm with extremely high winds. In the middle of the storm we heard loud cracks and bangs. Sure enough, one of the old pine trees in our back yard toppled over.

But the ash trees…

The trees with the deep roots…

They were unmovable.

Praying today that our loved one would become like that ash tree. That the small, positive seeds of faith would begin to take root. And they would grow and go deep into the soil of their hearts. And that one day nothing, not anything would be able to uproot their lives.

September 13, 2021 Our prayer for our Loved One today:

Jeremiah 17:7-8 TLB [7] But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence[8] He is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with its roots reaching deep into the water-a tree not bothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought. Its leaves stay green, and it goes right on producing all its luscious fruit.

Father God, thank you for Your word and that we can fully trust it. Thank you that You give us visions and pictures of what will come to be. Lord, today I will picture [our loved one] as You picture [him/her]. Lord we pray with our whole being that [our loved one] will come to trust in You and that [he/she] will find [his/her] hope and confidence in You alone. Lord we pray that [he/she] will become like a tree planted, with [his/her] roots reaching deep in Your truth and Your strength. We pray that [he/she] will become so solid and strong that nothing will succeed in coming against [him/her]. Lord, we believe that you have a calling on [our loved one's] life that you have a special plan and purpose for [him/her]. Lord we trust in that plan today. We wait in humble anticipation for it to come to pass. We pray these things today in Your Son's precious name. Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

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