Today our country celebrates our freedom. But freedom is a funny thing...
You see, we can be "free." Able to move about, able to experience the liberties our country protects. Able to think and do what we choose. And we can be completely lost and in bondage!
And we can be a prisoner in chains, in the dirtiest filthiest jails and prisons, living in the worse conditions AND WE CAN BE FREE, truly free.
You see freedom is a condition of the spirit and soul NOT our external circumstances.
And the only way to be truly free is to surrender. To lay all of our rights and our expectations, our fears and our failures, our hurts and our anger.... To lay them all at the foot of the Cross.
Then you will truly be FREE!
July 4, 2021 Our prayer for our loved one today:
Galatians 5:1 NIV
[1] It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Thank you Lord! Thank you that you love us beyond measure! Thank you that you had a perfect plan for each one of us to live freely when you sent your son. He was broken so we could be healed. Lord He came to set me free and He came to set (our loved one) free! Lord, my prayer today is that (our loved one) would embrace that freedom. I pray (he/she) would stand firm today and allow you to remove, once and for all, the yoke of slavery from (his/her) shoulders, never again to bear that burden. Lord, we praise you today for your power to break every chain! We pray this in Jesus precious name! Amen
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