No Shame

“You are nothing.”

“You are a loser.”

“You will never amount to anything.”

“You can never do anything right.”

"Nothing will ever change."

The voices in their heads scream at them. The lies they are believing keep them in the bondage of shame.

And then, with just a glance up, the shroud of shame turns into the radiance of joy.

Because when we look to Him we will be set free.

May 17, 2021 Our prayer for Our Loved One today:

Psalm 34:5 NIV [5] Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

Father God, today I come to you with gratitude for the rescue mission you sent your son on 2000 ago. The love that came down to set us free from the guilt and shame that holds us captive. Lord, I thank you that you died to rescue [our loved one]. I pray that [our loved one] would look up today. That [he/she] would look up. And in that moment, that single moment [his/her] the shadow of shame would melt away and it would be replaced by the radiance of joy. The joy that can only come from the realization of the prison of oppression no longer exists and in it’s place is the well filled with the water of life. Lord, we long for that moment and trust that it will happen in Your perfect time. We pray this in our Son’s precious name. Amen

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