Strength and Courage

Physical weakness…
Emotional weakness…
These are the things that we face day after day when we love someone who is suffering.

And it’s easy to absorb ourselves in our own pain.

Yet they are in pain as well.

These are the same things that our loved ones face every single day.

That is not your destiny my friends. And it is not theirs.

Praying strength and courage today for all of us.

March 2, 2021 Our prayer for our Loved One today:

Joshua 1:9 NIV [9] Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Almighty God, we thank you today that while we might feel abandoned by our family, friends and neighbors, you have not abandoned us. You promise to be with us wherever we go. Lord, thank you that you are our strength and courage. Today I pray that you will walk with (our loved one). That you will pursue (him/her). Lord when (our loved one) feels weak, I ask that you fill (him/her) with strength. When (he/she) is fearful, remind (our loved one) that (he/she) is courageous. Lord, change (our loved one’s) discouragement into hope today. Hope for healing. Hope for freedom. Hope for a new life in you. Lord, we thank you that you will not stop chasing after (him/her) until (he/she) belongs to you. We pray these things in your son’s precious name. Amen

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