This morning you may feel lost and alone. Like you are walking through unknown territory. Like you are in a dark maze and keep running into walls at every turn.
I know that feeling so well.
But God says "I'll take the hand of those who don't know the way, who can't see where they're going. I'll be their personal guide!"
Our God loves you so much that He will personally guide when you don't know which way to turn. He'll keep you from going off the path and falling into the ditch.
Just reach out and take his hand. Trust Him. We don’t have to know the way, because He will show us the way.
And I'm praying today that one day soon, our loved ones will look up and reach out and take His hand and let Him lead them out of the lies and confusion of their life.
November 27, 2021Our Prayer For Our Loved One Today
Isaiah 42:16 Msg. But I'll take the hand of those who don't know the way, who can't see where they're going. I'll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country. I'll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don't fall into the ditch. These are the things I'll be doing for them— sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute."
Abba daddy, I need you today. I am walking through unknown territory and I am lost. I am scared. I feel alone. But Lord, I know that with you I am never alone. I know that you are right there to grab my hand when I don't know the way. And Lord, I am confident that when my grip gets weak, you, in your love, hold on tighter. Lord, help me today to trust you. And Lord, I thank you that you are always beside (our loved one). Lord, (our loved one) is in unknown territory and you promise that you will be right there with (him/her). Lord, show (him/her) the road that (he/she) needs to take. Lord, guide (him/her). Protect (him/her) so that (he/she) doesn't fall into the ditch. Lord, I know that you are with (our loved one). Thank you for your promise that you will stick with (our loved one) and that you won't leave (him/her). And Lord, I pray today that you will guide (our loved one) home. I pray this in your son's precious name. Amen
Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home
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