Perfect Love

Right now…

There’s a lot of fear going around.

Fear of loss of income

Fear of isolation

Fear of relapse

Fear of death.

There’s a lot of fear going around.

But God.

But God’s love.

His LOVE....His love for us is what can dispel every one of our fears. The love that placed him on the cross. The love that died for us. That love is ours. All we have to do is recognize it and step into that precious love.

May you know and understand and experience God's love for you in a profound and real way today. And I pray that our loved ones experience that as well.

August 9, 2020 Our prayer for our loved one today:

1 John 4:16,18 NIV [16] And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them[18] There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...

Abba Daddy thank you! Thank you for being the God of love. Lord we know and rely on this truth. That you are love. Today, we come before your thrown and ask that [our loved one] would begin to know and rely on this truth as well. That You love [our loved one]. Lord, I pray that [our loved one] would chose to live in Your love and that You would come and live in [him/her], because THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE! Lord, whatever it is that is holding [our loved one] back, whatever it is that they fear, let YOUR LOVE drive that fear out of [him/her] today! More than anything else we pray that [our loved one] would experience this truth in a real and tangible way. There is nothing to fear when [he/she] is walking in Your precious and perfect love. We pray that that love would rain down on [him/her]. We pray this in your son's holy and precious name. Amen

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