He Brings Healing

For so many years, in the middle of all of the pain, it was difficult to picture an outcome that included my loved one being healed.

When our home was in upheaval, It was hard to imagine our home with peace and security.

But that is God’s desire for us and for our loved ones.

His promise is to bring healing into our lives.

And I will tell you that while we pray this over our loved ones He can give that to us LONG before our loved ones ever choose to change their lives. YOU are “His people.” You are the one today that he wants to bring health and healing to.

And one day, in His absolute perfect timing He will bring it to your loved one as well...

And you will be ready.

August 5, 2020 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Jeremiah 33:6 NIV [6] “ 'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing.... I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

Oh Lord, we love you. And we trust you. Even when it hurts so bad, and it's so hard to believe, we trust the promises in your word. Lord, your word says YOU are our Jehovah Rapha, our great healer. And today we pray that healing over (our loved one). We believe that you alone have the power to make us whole. That you will heal (our loved one) and that you will allow (our loved one) to enjoy abundant peace and abundant security. We claim peace over (our loved one), we claim safety over (our loved one) and we claim LIFE over (our loved one). Lord, we thank you that according to your word it's already been done. Today fill us with that same peace and security to trust and not doubt as we surrender (our loved one) and give (him/her) to you today. We pray this in Jesus precious name. Amen!

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