I remember those days...
When in my mind there was just nothing to give thanks for.
But God’s word says, as a man thinks, so he will become.
Today simply stop. Stop what you are doing. Clear your mind.
And give thanks.
Even if you don’t feel like it. Even if you can’t think of anything to be thankful for. The fact that your God, the God of the universe created you and created your loved one...
Is enough.
Because you are enough.
February 19, 20220 Our prayer for Our Loved One Today; 1 Thessalonians 1:2 TPT We are grateful to God for your lives and we always pray for you. Lord, we sit at your feet today searching. Searching for answers, searching for resolution, searching for peace. Lord, we know that peace only comes when we practice gratitude in our hearts. Lord, today I am grateful. I am grateful for (our loved one’s) life. I am grateful that you created (him/her) perfectly, for such a time as this. I am honored to be a part of (our loved one’s) life, if not in physical presence at this moment, through the power of my prayers. Lord, I commit today to continue to pray and give thanks for (our loved one) until the day we see you face to face. We pray in your son’s holy name. Amen Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home