Light Always Shines Brighter

Recently while serving one of our homeless guests at our mission I met Monte.  He was pretty worn looking and I could tell he had seen a lot of life.  His countenance was one of being beaten down by the world.  But as we started serving him and engaged in conversation, his shoulders raised up, his face began to change and it was apparent that day that his load got a little lighter.  At the end of the evening he told us he’d be back and said “there’s just something different about being here.   I haven’t felt this good for awhile.”  

Was it me talking to him?  Was it the other servers?  No it was the presence of the living God in that place.

God encounters happen all the time.  Light always shines through the darkness.  God’s light can permeate through even the most difficult situations, the most harden hearts.

Praying today that our loved one would have a God encounter and that His light would lead them home.

April 25, 2019  Our prayer for our loved one today:

Isaiah 9:2 NIV [2] The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.

Lord, you call into being things that never existed as if they did.  We thank You that You can turn our loved one’s hearts to You with a whisper. Lord we pray that today, even though [our loved one] is walking in darkness [he/she] will see YOUR great light through some circumstance or some angel walking on this Earth.  We thank You that Your light will dawn and shine down on those living in deep darkness.  You are the light that will move [our loved one] from death to life.  Abba daddy, we thank you in advance as we wait for this truth to come to pass.  We pray this in Your son’s precious name!  Amen.

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