The fear…
The discouragement…
The feeling that God has abandoned us.
The feeling that God has abandoned our loved one.
The constant battle inside our heads screaming, “where are you God?”
He is with us, my friend.
He is with each one of us.
He goes before us and He will never leave us. Even when we push Him away, even when we forsake Him, He will not forsake us.
Today I pray that the God who is always with each one of us, will reveal Himself clearly to my loved one. So that my loved one will know, beyond doubt, that he is not alone.
April 17, 2019 Our prayer for Our Loved One today:
Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV [8] The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Lord, today I confess to you that I am sad, I am discouraged, I am afraid. This life is not the life that I had planned for myself or for (our loved one). Lord, I know that if I only look at this temporal world, I would lose hope. Yet, the hope for (our loved one) does not come from this world. It comes from the promise of the ultimate sacrifice that you made for us. Lord, I ask today that you will go before (our loved one), that (he/she) will know, without doubt that you are WITH (him/her). I walk in gratitude that you promise to never leave (our loved one) and that you will never, ever forsake (him/her). Lord, today I ask that you fill (our loved one) with courage, with faith and with the perseverance to fight the battle (he/she) is facing, one moment at a time. I pray this in your son’s precious name. Amen
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