Recently, friend of mine and I were having a conversation about how many chances we give our loved ones when they keep going back to their old life. How many times to we rescue them? How many times do we save them?

I don't have the answer to that and I don't think the answer is the same for any 2 people, because it has to be spirit led.

But I do know that God gave us the whole book of Hosea as an example both of his love for us and how we should love others. Gomor (the woman in the story) kept prostituting herself. Hosea would whisk her out of that life and she would keep going back to her addiction to her idol. Sound familiar? But Hosea kept rescuing her and one day she figured out how very much she was loved.

Our loved ones do that, but we do that too? Maybe the idol in our life is actually our loved one (or trying to rescue them) and God wants us to come back to Him? Or maybe we are supposed to gleam out of this story that no matter how bad anyone's been, no matter what they've done, God loves them and we are to love them as well!

Either way, it's a really powerful story of unconditional love. It's why I love these verses so very much!


November 8, 2018 Hosea 14:4-5,7-9 NLT

[4] The Lord says, “I will heal you….” My love will know no bounds… [5] I will be to Israel like a refreshing dew from heaven. Israel will blossom like the lily; [7] My people will again live under my shade. They will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines. 8] ...I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. [9] Let those who are wise understand these things. The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them.

Thank you Lord that you are a God who never gives up on us. Lord, your love never fails. Lord we thank you too, that your love for (our loved one) is constant. Lord, we thank you today that because your love knows no bounds. We believe that you desire to heal (our loved one). Lord, thank you that you will be like a refreshing dew from heaven for (our loved one) and that (he/she) will blossom like a lily. Thank you for the promise that (our loved one) will soon live again under your shade and that (he/she) would flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines. Lord, thank you that you are the one who answers all of our prayers and cares for us and (our loved one)! Lord we agree that your paths are true and right. We pray that (our loved one) would chose to walk on that path and chose life today! We pray this in your son's precious name! Amen!

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