In the process of walking through these difficult circumstances, all kinds of emotions come into play. Anger, hate, bitterness, shame, regret, are just a few. We feel that towards ourselves at times (when we fail) and we often feel it towards our loved one. It's difficult most days to separate the person, our precious child or the one we grew to love, from the oppression that has it's grip on them.
Do not let these emotions overcome you my friends! They are the greatest lie from the enemy and the greatest tool that he uses to keep us stuck in darkness. And they keep our loved ones stuck in a cycle of shame....they want to stop, they try for a few hours or a few days, the powerful pull of the oppression overcomes them and they are right back into it. And they don't want to be. And they feel shame and they feel condemned.
So these verses speak against condemnation. There is NO room for any of those feelings and emotions in this battle. We MUST embrace the forgiveness and love of our Heavenly Father and we MUST pass on that unconditional love and forgiveness to the ones we love with all of our heart.
October 4, 2018 Our prayer for our loved one today:
Romans 8:1-2 NIV [1] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, [2] because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
Father we come before you this morning with the authority of the blood of Jesus Christ. And we pray against any spirit of condemnation that has taken hold of (our loved one). Lord we believe that through Christ Jesus, the law of Your Spirit who gives life to (our loved one), will set (him/her) free from the law of sin and death. We believe that through You true freedom will come to pass for (our loved one). We pray that all of (our loved one’s) chains will be broken today! We pray this with confidence in your son's Holy and precious name. Amen
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