I Will Go Before You

Recently we traveled to the mountains out west. Not even the biggest ones, but some very large ones none the less. And I couldn’t help but think about those very earliest travelers across our country. All they saw were mountains in front of them. One after another. They had this promise, this assurance that if they got through those mountains there would be an amazing place waiting for them on the other side. It was a relentless journey, a journey that brought death for many. But for those who pressed on, eventually there was a clearing and it opened up to the most beautiful place they had ever seen.

You may be there. All you see is mountains in front of you. Insurmountable ones. And they seem impossible to overcome. There is no opening. No break to travel through.

But God’s word says that whether we see it or not, we can be assured that he is going before us and leveling those mountains, and making that path through the wilderness.

Just so that one day...

One day...

His power will be so obvious in our lives, in our loved ones lives, that there will be no denying Him.

October 1, 2018. Our prayer for our loved one today:

Isaiah 45:2-3 NLT [2] This is what the LORD says: "I will go before you, "my child", and level the mountains. I will smash down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron[3] And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness- secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.

Lord, we come before you today facing mountains. There is a wilderness in front of us and we see no way out. So we look to your word and your promises to give us strength and encouragement. And you are the God who can make a way through that wilderness. Lord, we believe that you are going before [our loved one] and that you are leveling mountains for [him/her]. Lord, you are smashing down gates of bronze and cutting through bars of iron, to make a path for [our loved one]. Lord, we know that you have amazing treasure in store for [our loved one]. Lord, we believe this will be so miraculous that there will be no denying you Lord, that [our loved one] will KNOW that you are the Lord, who calls [our loved one] by name. Lord, we trust your promises and believe this today. In your son's precious name we pray! Amen

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