A Triumphant Song!

Lord, keep my loved ones safe...

Hide them in your precious shelter...

And one day...

Set them high on your rock...

To triumphantly sing Your praises and shout for joy!

March 1, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Psalm 27:4-5 NIV [4] One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple[5] For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.

Father God, there is one thing that I ask of you today, one thing that I seek; that [our loved one] would dwell in your house all of the rest of the days of [his/her] life, that [our loved one] would gaze upon your beauty and that [our loved one] would seek you in your holy temple. I pray that in [our loved one’s] moments of trouble that you would keep [him/her] safe in your dwelling place; that you would protect [our loved one] in the shelter of Your sacred tent and that You would set [our loved one] high upon a rock. Lord I humbly ask that You hold [our loved one] in the palm of your hand today. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Copyright @ 2019 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer click here: https://bit.ly/3oZrlTC

Walk in Freedom Today

The lies of the enemy will hold us captive.

“I am a failure”

“I am not good enough”

“I caused these problems.”

“This will never change.”

Freedom comes when we believe the truth.

The truth is....God LOVES you!

The truth is....God LOVES your prodigal more than you do!

The truth is....there is NO condemnation through Christ!!!

The truth is....He is able to break any and every chain!!!

The truth is...NO weapon forged against you or your loved one’s can prevail.

Walk in truth and you will walk in freedom today.

February 28, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today.

John 8:32 NIV [32] Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Lord, we come to you in love and adoration today with a heart of gratitude, because your word gives us hope! We know in our hearts that we can fully put our trust in you and you alone. Lord, today we pray that you will reveal truth to us and to [our loved one]. We believe that where Your truth exists, chains will be broken and [our loved one] will be set free! I pray against any lies that I or [our loved one] might be believing. Give us clarity and purpose and give us the power and strength to walk in that truth today. We pray this in your son's precious name! Amen.

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer click here: https://bit.ly/3mLLWsN

Great Abundance


The killing off.

The cleansing.

The refining.

The clearing out for all that’s new.

You might be in the middle of the fire today. The burning off.


He will bring us through the fire. And just like in nature, after the fire will come abundance.

Beauty from ashes.

For us...

For our loved one...

February 27, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Psalm 66:12 NLT [12] We went through fire and flood, but you brought us to a place of great abundance.

Lord, we come before you this today with expectation and hope in our hearts. We thank you that you are real and your promises are true. Lord, we believe that you go before us, you are with us and you go behind us. We are in the middle of the flood and the fire. Lord, [our loved one] is in the middle of the flood and fire. But you promise that you will bring [our loved one] through these trying times. Lord, we thank you! We thank you that one day [our loved one] will walk out of the fire and into a place of great abundance. That out of the ashes of our lives, something truly beautiful will be reborn. We trust you and today we are going to choose to walk in that hope! In Jesus precious name we pray. Amen

Copyright @ 2015 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer click here: https://bit.ly/3lU9qeP

Give Thanks Always

It is so important for us to not loose sight of the things we have to be grateful for. Gratitude changes a heart. When I am struggling to see the good in my loved one, see good in my circumstances or see good in the world, I can pause and set my thoughts on the many things I am thankful for.

When we have gratitude in our heart it is impossible to be bitter or angry or selfish or rude.

It will instantly fill me with love for the people in my life that are sometimes hard to love.

So today's prayer is a prayer of gratitude, asking for nothing, but thanking Him for all the good we have in our lives.

February 26, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV [16] Rejoice always, [17] pray continually, [18] give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Lord, today is a difficult day for many of us. For most, there is an empty seat at our tables and in our hearts. We know of no other way to get through the difficulties then to press in to you and give thanks. Today we rejoice, rejoice in the loved one you gave us and in [his/her] precious life. Lord, we give thanks. We give thanks for choosing us to be [our loved one's] family. And Lord, we will pray continually until [our loved one] is home and fully alive in Christ Jesus our Lord. We thank you Lord that we have a God we can come to who hears our prayers and who gives us the power and strength to walk through this day. We pray today in your Son's precious name. Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: https://bit.ly/3kjTukH

He Saves Us

Recently a young woman in recovery shared her story with me. She described THE moment. The moment that she completely surrendered, turned her back on her old life and ran into the arms of her Abba Daddy.

The moment she was radically and instantly delivered. She was in a state of near death (literally) and God not only delivered her from death but then completely redeemed her life.

I picture God standing off in the distance, with his arms open wide, saying "come, come to me. I have this gift for you! It's called LIFE." It is available for ALL of us when we run to Him instead of doing life our own way.

Praying we ALL have that moment of surrender and run into His open arms today!

February 25, 2025 Our Prayer for our Loved One today:

The spacious, free life is from GOD, it’s also protected and safe. GOD -strengthened, we’re delivered from evil— when we run to him, he saves us. (Psalm 37:39-40 MSG)

Lord, today we come before you desiring freedom! Freedom from oppression and death. We know that You and You alone give us life and give it abundantly. Lord, we thank you for the gift of life and pray today that (our loved one) would desire that gift as well. Lord, we pray that (our loved one) would chose to live that spacious, free life that only You can give (him/her) and in that life (he/she) would be protected and safe. Lord, we pray (our loved one) would be GOD-strengthened and delivered from all evil. Lord when we run to You, You save us! Lord, we pray that (our loved one) would run to You today! We thank you that you are our deliverer and pray this in Your Son's precious name! Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

Never Lose Hope

This season we are in may look like a tragedy to you.

Road blocks.

Dead ends.

One difficult situation after another.

Yet, we don't know the thoughts that go through our loved ones heads. We can't hear their hearts cry. But God does. He hears them and He sees their tears. And He will be faithful to rescue them when they call out to Him.

We never know when that moment will come. It may come in the middle of the most unlikely circumstances.

And it is why we can never lose hope.

February 24, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Psalm 3:3-5,8 NIV [3] But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. [4] I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. [5] I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. [8] From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.
Oh Lord, thank you that you are a God who loves us and cares for us and loves our children even more than we do. Lord, we ask today that you be a shield around (our loved one). Lord, lift (our loved one's) head high today. Lord, when (our loved one) calls out to you we pray that you answer (him/her) from your Holy Mountain! Lord, when (our loved one) lies down to sleep let (him/her) awake anew because You sustain (him/her). Lord from YOU comes deliverance for (our loved one). Lord, may your blessings be on (him/her) today. We pray this in your Son's precious name! Amen.

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer click here: http://bit.ly/3paIKbP

A Fresh Start

A new day.

A new perspective.

A fresh start.

God is always doing something new my friends. He will make a way in the wilderness.

That is the hope that I walk in today.

February 23, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Isaiah 43:18-20 NLT
[18] "But forget all that- it is nothing compared to what I am going to do[19] For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland[20] Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland so my chosen people can be refreshed.

Father God, we come before you today trusting. Trusting that your promises are real and true. When we can't hold on to anything else, we hold on to that. We know that nothing can compare to what you are going to do in [our loved one's] life! We believe that you are about to do something new, something amazing in [our loved one]. Yes Lord! It has already begun. Lord, we believe that you will make a pathway through the wilderness so that [our loved one] can find you. And you will create rivers in the dry wasteland of [his/her] life so that [our loved one] will be refreshed and made new in you. We believe that you are at work right now to restore our lives and our families to the abundant promised land you have waiting for all of us. Lord, we are thankful. We pray this promise and agree with it in your Son's precious name. Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer click here: http://bit.ly/3hzt2Up

I Will Trust and Not Be Afraid

Sometimes we get so caught up in the ugly, that we don't see our loved ones the way God sees them.

But they are precious. They are a gift. They are beautiful in his eyes.

And God sent His own child to be sacrificed so that our loved ones could be saved. So that they can experience abundant life on this Earth and eternally.
Thanking God for that promise today and praying this will be the day our loved ones will whisper "save me."

February 22, 2-25Our prayer for our loved one today:

Isaiah 12:2-5 NLT [2] See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory." [3] With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! [4] In that wonderful day you will sing: "Thank the LORD! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is! [5] Sing to the LORD, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world.

Sweet Heavenly Father, we are so grateful to sit at your feet today and praise you and thank you for ALL the good you give us so graciously and we thank you for the gift of (our loved one). Lord, we believe that Your desire, your very heart is to save (our loved one)! Lord, we know that (he/she)is afraid, that (he/she) is struggling today. We pray that (he/she) would trust You and would not be afraid to surrender (his/her) everything to you today! Lord, You are our strength and our song and in You (our loved one) will have VICTORY!. Lord, may (our loved one) drink deeply from the fountain of your saving power! We believe and trust that in that wonderful day (our loved one) will sing "Thank you Lord!" And (he/she)) would make known to others all the wonderful things that You have done in (his/her) life. We believe and do not doubt! We trust in your promises today and we pray all of these things in your might name! Amen!

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version click here: https://bit.ly/3d0TN1K

Trust in the Lord

As I've walked through this journey with my loved one, I have had to learn that God's ways are not man's ways, nor are they at all my ways.

Most of the time I don't understand.

I know that you all have big questions as well. Lot's of whys? Things we will never know the answer to, this side of heaven.

So many times I have had to wrestle with God. To work through the process of surrender and to truth. It doesn't come natural for any of us. But I have learned that it is the path to abundant life.

Praying today for you, as you wrestle through your questions for God. And praying today for our loved ones. That they would finally come to that place of total surrender.

February 21, 2025T Our prayer for our loved one today:

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
[5] Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; [6]
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Lord, God your word says that if we delight ourselves in you, you will give us the desires of our heart. Lord, our desire is this...that (our loved one) would trust in YOU Lord, with all of (his/her) heart. That (our loved one) would not lean on (his/her) own understanding. Lord, we pray today that in all of (our loved one's) ways they would submit to You Lord and that You would make (his/her) path straight. Lord, we ask for these simple things today in your Son's precious name! Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home - Daily Prayers for Prodigals

To listen to the audio version of this prayer click here: https://bit.ly/Proverbs_3

You Are Chosen

You are CHOSEN.

You are loved by God

You are called by God

You are chosen by God

Each one of us is. No one is excluded. It’s just a matter of when we are going to step
into that truth.

He sees you my friends. He knows what you are going through. And he alone can take your pain, your struggles, your messes and make them into something marvelous in your life and the life of others.

Today I thank God that he chose my prodigal and pray with all my soul that soon he will step into the abundant life God has waiting for him.

February 19, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

1 Peter 2:9-10 MSG [9-10] But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you---from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

Father we humbly come before you today acknowledging what you did on the cross for us. Your death has made us chosen by God. Lord, I believe that [our loved one] was chosen for a high calling, chosen to be a Holy person, chosen as one of your special instruments to do Your work and speak out for You!! I believe that one day [our loved one] will give testimony to the night and day difference that You have made for [our loved one] in [his/her] life! I praise you Father God that through Your death You have made [our loved one] a new creation. From nothing...to something, from rejected to accepted! I believe that this is already done and will come to pass in your perfect timing. I lay claim to these words in your Son's precious name today! Amen!!

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: https://bit.ly/33qr7f1

"Come Home"

The call that your loved one is in jail…

The call that your loved one has OD’d…

The call that your loved one is back out there…

The call that there will be a funeral next week…

You may have gotten that call yesterday, or the day before.

Or you may get it today.

And you feel abandoned…

Do not doubt for one second that God sees you. He knows exactly what you are going through today.

And He is saying to you right now, “Call on me. Come to me. Just say the word.

And I will deliver you from fear, from anxiety, from hopelessness.”

And God is whispering to your loved one today “Come home.”

February 19, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Psalm 50:15 NKJV [15] Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."

Lord, we come before you today determined to remain faithful in prayer. We are grateful that you are a God of grace and a God of mercy. And as we are faithful to pray, we believe that you are faithful to answer us as we cry out to you. Lord, we call upon you today in our day of trouble and on behalf of [our loved one] who is struggling. We pray that [our loved one] will call on you today and that You would hear [his/her] cry and You would deliver [our loved one]. We believe that when that day comes, when you deliver [our loved one] that [he/she] WILL glorify you! We pray that this vision will come to pass quickly Lord, but we trust and believe it will happen in Your perfect timing. Lord, we are thankful that we can trust in Your sovereign plan for our lives. We pray this prayer in Your Son's precious name! Amen!

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: https://bit.ly/Psalm_50_15

I'll Rescue You

He asks, "Do you trust me?"

I say "Of course Lord, I trust you."

He says, "Do you really really trust me?"

He says, "Then surrender. Let me handle this. I am fighting this battle for you in ways
you can't even imagine!"

I say, "Yes Lord" as I wave my white flag!

And then... He turns to my loved one and says:

“Call to me and I'll answer....

I'll be by your side in bad times...

I'll rescue you....”

Words that I hold on to tightly. Words that I pray. Words of comfort and hope.

January 18, 2025 Our Prayer for our Loved One today:

Psalm 91:1-16 MSG [1-13] God , you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" That's right---he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you--- under them you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm....Yes, because God 's your refuge, ...Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go. If you stumble, they'll catch you; their job is to keep you from falling. [14-16] "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God , "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you...I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!"

Abba Father...We come before you on behalf of our children, our families... because you are our refuge and our hope in times of trouble. Lord, we ask today that (our loved one) would trust in you and (he/she) would be safe! Lord, rescue (our loved one) from hidden traps, shield (him/her) from all the deadly hazards in (his/her) life! With your HUGE outstretched arms we pray protection over (our loved one) that under You (he/she) would be perfectly safe and that Your arms would fend off all harm. YES God! Because You are a refuge we pray that no evil would even be able to come close to (our loved one) and that NO harm would be able to get through the door of your protection. Lord, we ask that you would order your angels to guard over (our loved one) wherever (he/she) goes. Lord, if (our loved one) stumbles, we ask that You angels will catch (him/her) and keep (him/her) from falling. Lord, we believe that if (our loved one) will hold on to YOU for dear life You will help (him/her) out of (his/her) troubles! Lord, we believe that you will care for (him/her) if the only trust in You! Lord, we pray that (our loved one) will call on you and you will answer (him/her) and you will be by (his/her) side through ALL of the bad times. Lord, we ask that you would rescue (our loved one) today and that you will give (our loved one) a long life and the long drink of salvation. Lord, we believe these words today! In Jesus name we pray! Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: https://bit.ly/35X1Wml

I Can't....He Can

I am weak...

He is strong.

I can't...

He can.

February 17, 2025 Our Prayer For Our Loved One Today

Philippians 4:13 NIV[13] I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Lord, I am weak today. I am weary. I am tired. I sit at your feet and ask for more. I need more of you Lord. More confidence that you will give me everything I need today to be strong. I admit that I can’t do this on my own. But in you and through your strength, I can. Lord, we come before you today on behalf of (our loved one).Lord, we believe that it is You who gives strength to the weak and power to the powerless. We ask that you would infuse (our loved one) today with Your strength so that (our loved one) can make the next right choice. We thank you for Your faithfulness in our lives! In Jesus Holy Name we pray! Amen.

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer click here: https://bit.ly/3nPRzGN

Come to Me

“If you really had faith, you wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“You must have some sin in your life or this wouldn’t’ be happening.”“Well maybe if you read your Bible more, or got into a small group, things would go better for you.”I was tired.

I was worn out.

I was looking for relief.

I was bleeding and yet, instead of receiving care for my wounds, I was being wounded more.

And the wounding was coming from the very people that were intended to support me.

Where was love?

Where was grace?

And it occurred to me that there was only One who could recovery my life. No human could take this burden from me. It was the love of the Father that could show me real healing and rest.

Walk with him today. He won’t give you anything ill fitting or burdensome.

As you learn His rhythm of grace, He will set you free.

February 16, 2025 Our prayer for our Loved One Today

Matthew 11:28-30 The Message (MSG) “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Heavenly Father, I confess to you tonight that I am tired. I am worn out. I have been wounded by the people I love. And I am at the end of myself. Lord, I know that the only recovery for my life is in you. I ask that you would give me real rest. I commit to walking with you, to working with you. Lord, show me the unforced rhythm of your amazing grace. Lord, I trust that no burden I am bearing is too heavy for me if I keep company with you. As I release this burden to you I step into a light and free life. Thank you Lord, that you have given that life to me to receive. I pray this in your son’s Holy Name. Amen

Copyright @ 2018 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: https://bit.ly/Matthew11_28

He Never Sleeps

God never sleeps.

He is always watching over us.

And his heart grieves when even one of his children goes astray. Just like a shepherd who won't rest if one of his sheep has gone missing, so our Lord won't relent until his child is back in his arms.

He is looking for them now my friends.

He is searching for his lost sheep to bring them home.

And as he calls out their names, he is waiting for them to respond and say "Yes Lord."

February 15, 2025Our Prayer for our Loved One Today:

Ezekiel 34:11-13 NIV [11] “ ‘For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. [12] As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness. [13] I will bring them out from the nations...and I will bring them into their own land.

Father God, we come before you today in pain. Broken. At the end of our own understanding. But thankful because we know we can completely trust your word.
Lord, we hold on to the belief that the promises of scripture will come to pass. Lord, thank you today that you promise to search after (our loved one) and look after (him/her). Lord, just as a shepherd looks after his scattered flock, we ask that you will look after (our loved one) and that you will rescue (him/her) from the place where (he/she) is at today, a place of clouds and darkness. Lord, today bring (our loved one) out of that foreign place (he/she) is living in and deliver (him/her) back to (his/her) home to (his/her) family. Lord we know that nothing is impossible with you and we ask that this deliverance comes today. Lord we pray this in your son's Holy Name! Amen!

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version click here: https://bit.ly/36XkuTQ

Your Love is Unfailing

This morning ...

May you take refuge in the shadow of His wings.

May you feast on the abundance of HIs love.

May you drink from the river of His refreshing spring of living water.

And may you be filled to overflowing with the light from His fountain of life.

February 12, 2025 Our prayer For Our Loved One Today:

Psalm 36:7-9 NIV [7] How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings[8] They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights[9] For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light!

Oh Lord, your unfailing love is priceless! We thank you that you are a God who loves us and desires us and wants a relationship with us. We thank you that you love [our loved one] beyond measure. Lord, we pray today that [our loved one] would take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. We pray that [our loved one] would look for what [he/she] needs from you and you alone. We pray that [he/she] would feast on the abundance of Your house today and [he/she] drink from the river of your living water. For we know Lord that the fountain of light is in you! We pray that in Your light of your holy presence [he/she] would see and experience true and abundant life! We ask this in your son's precious name. Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

He Sees You

He knows.

He knows the burdens you carry...

He knows your pain...He has felt it.

He sees you.

Let him catch your tears today...Let him breathe healing into your hurting, broken heart...Let him wrap you up today with His love...

February 11, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today:

Isaiah 43:1-2,4 NIV [1] But now, this is what the Lord says---he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. [2] When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. [4] Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.

Heavenly Father, to be real God, our hearts are breaking today. The pain at times, can be unbearable. But You, You Lord are the one and only who can heal our hurting heart. Today we cling to your promises. Lord, because you created (our loved one), you formed (him/her) we need not fear. You have redeemed (our loved one). You have summoned (our loved one) by name and (he/she) is Yours! Lord we believe today in your promises that when (our loved one) passes through the deep waters, that You will be with (him/her) and when (our loved one) is drowning in the river of life, it will not sweep over (him/her). Lord we believe that even when (our loved one) walks through the fire, that You will protect (him/her) and not allow (him/her) to be burned. Lord, we trust that (our loved one) is precious and honored in Your sight and that because you loved (our loved one) so much you gave Your son, Jesus in exchange for (our loved one). You gave Him in exchange for (our loved one's) life. Lord, we are in awe of that sacrifice Lord. We do not take it lightly. And Lord, we pray today that (our loved one) would open (his/her) heart to see You in a very real way and (he/she) would understand in a moment, Your redemption and the abundant life you have waiting for (him/her)! We thank you for all you are doing in the heavenly realms that we can't see. We believe that you are at work in a mighty way. We trust in your deliverance today! We pray this in Jesus precious name. Amen!

Copyright @ 2019 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: http://bit.ly/3rdiPBG

Nothing Can Separate Us

One of the things that I know many of us have struggled with is not just dealing with the stronghold of addictions or mental health issues, but that in many cases, our loved ones walk away from their faith.

So friends, if you are struggling with this today, please hear me when I say this...

NOTHING can separate us from God's love.


Not one thing you do or I do or our loved ones do can change that. He loves us immeasurably more than we could ever imagine. And he loves our loved ones right now, right where they are at no matter how fast they are running from him.

So be assured, that NEVER EVER changes.

And as we are to love like our Heavenly Father, my heart is to demonstrate that same steadfast love.

Do I love my prodigal in a way, that when he chooses to change, he will want to come home to the Lord?

I pray today that you will walk in this assurance.

NOTHING, NOTHING can separate us from His love!

February 10, 2025 Our prayer for our loved one today.

Romans 8:37-39 NIV [37] No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. [38] For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, [39] neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Lord, we come before you today grateful. Grateful for your promises and for your son's death on the cross. Because

Lord, we believe these words today. That in ALL things (our loved one) can be more than a conqueror because of YOU who loves (him/her) immensely! Lord, we are convinced that NOTHING...not death or life, angels or demons, not the present or the future or ANY powers; not heights or depths or anything else in all of creation could EVER separate (our loved one) from your love that is in Christ Jesus. Oh Lord, it is easy to love the lovable God but there are days when I am unlovable and my child is unlovable. We THANK YOU today that your love is constant and exorbitant and never-ending. We pray today that (our loved one) will feel that love raining down on (him/her). And we ask Lord, that you would fill my heart with that kind of love for (our loved one). We thank you and praise you and ask these things in Jesus precious name. Amen!!!

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: https://bit.ly/37YLpPU

Supernatural Strength

Extreme busyness (sometimes to numb the pain).

So today, I claim these verses over my life. I claim these verses over my loved one’s life.

And I pray this over each of you who are struggling today.

May you be filled today with the gift of supernatural strength and peace that only He can give us

February 9, 2025 Our Prayer for our Loved One today:

Psalm 29:11 NIV[11] The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.

Abba daddy, we come to You this morning weak, tired and full of anxiety and turmoil because we know that our loved ones are wounded, lost and exhausted. Lord, we know that You are the only source of true healing, true freedom. Father God, we ask today that you would give strength to (our loved one) today, because we know that (our loved one) is Your precious child. We pray that You, in all of your love and mercy, pour out a special blessing of peace over (our loved one) as (he/she) struggles through this day. You are the author and giver of life. Lord, we pray today that (our loved one) would choose life. We believe, in faith, that your promise will come to be and we step in to your perfect peace for us today as well. We pray this in Your son’s precious name. Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: http://bit.ly/3mFFQtw

Measureless Grace

The weight you are carrying….It’s not yours to carry.

The burdens that you are holding on to…Are not yours to bear.

But grace…That measureless grace.

That is what is waiting for each of us…If we are willing to lay it at the foot of the cross.

February 7, 2025 Our prayer for our Loved One today:

Psalm 55:22 TPT [22] So here's what I've learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.

Merciful Father, we sit at your feet today bearing the full weight of the burdens we are carrying. The load is heavy. Too heavy for us to manage on our own. Lord, we know that the only way we are going to continue to climb this mountain is if we hand this load off to you. Father, we release all of our cares, all of our anxieties all of our fears, over to you. Lord, we pray this for (our loved one) as well. (He/she) is suffocating under the weight of the strongholds and difficulties in (his/her) life. We pray for a releasing today. We pray that (our loved one) would let go of all that (he/she) is holding so tightly to, the things of this world that are of no use to (him/her). Those things that hold (him/her) back from experiencing the full measure of your glorious grace. Lord, strengthen (him/her). Fill (him/her) with the power that only you can give (our loved one). The God—strength that gives (him/her) the peace to say “Abba Father, I can’t, but you can.” We pray these things in your son’s precious name. Amen

Copyright @ 2014 Praying Our Loved One Home

To listen to the audio version of this prayer, click here: http://bit.ly/3aKF0JR